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Moving Procedures

  1. Movers will use loading dock area for all deliveries and will not use loading dock for personal vehicle parking.
  2. Public area corridors and carpet are to be protected by plastic runners or a protection mats from the elevator to the move site.
  3. Protection of hallway carpets, wall coverings, and elevators from damage with Masonite board, carpet, cardboard, or pads is required.
  4. Passenger elevators shall not be used for moving and shall not be used for workers. The designated freight elevator is the only elevator to be used for moving and workers. This elevator may be used only when it is completely protected as determined by Landlord's building engineer.
  5. No moving is to come through the main lobby, and no materials or furniture is to be stored in any lobbies at any time.
  6. Workers are not to eat in the lobby or in front of the Building nor are they to congregate in the lobby or in front of the Building. There will be no smoking, eating, or open food containers in the elevators, carpeted areas or public lobbies.
  7. Landlord is to be contacted by any tenant when the move is completed for inspection. All damage to Building will be determined at that time.
  8. All key access or interruption of security hours must be arranged with Landlord's Building engineer.
  9. There will be no radios allowed on job site. All workers are required to wear a shirt, shoes, and full-length trousers. There will be no yelling or boisterous activities. There will be no alcohol or controlled substances allowed or tolerated.
  10. Public spaces - corridors, elevators, bathrooms, lobby, etc. - must be cleaned immediately after use. Debris or materials found in public areas will be removed at Tenant's cost.
  11. Tenant's mover shall at all times ensure that work is performed so as to avoid disruption of the business of the Building or its tenants.
  12. The move will be supervised by the building engineer at Tenants cost.